Updated: 23/09/2022

YEAR 2007

Plant Passport System and Registration of Operators
Supply of Hardware and Software Equipment for Plant Passport System and Registration of Operators
Introduction of Stock Assessment to the Fisheries Management System of Türkiye
Introduction of Stock Assessment to the Fisheries Management System of Türkiye
Implementation of Nitrate Directive in Türkiye 
Technical Assistance for the Implementation of Nitrate Directive
Supply of Equipment for the Implementation of Nitrate Directive Project
Technical Assistance for Strengthening the Statistical Capacity of the MARA (Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs)
Strengthening the Statistical Capacity of the (Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock)
Civil Society Dialogue-II: Culture and Arts
Civil Society Dialogue-II: Fisheries and Agriculture
Promotion of the Civil Society Dialogue Between EU and Türkiye-II
EU-Türkiye Civil Society Dialogue – Cultural Bridges (Direct Grant with Goethe Institut, Italian Institute of Culture, British Council, French Institute of Ankara)
EU-Türkiye Civil Society Dialogue – Cultural Bridges
Technical Assistance to Support to the Evaluation of Cultural Bridges Programme
Continuation of the Jean Monnet Scholarship Programme 
Continuation of the Jean Monnet Scholarship Programme - I 
Continuation of the Jean Monnet Scholarship Programme - II 
Strengthening the Vocational Qualifications Authority (VQA) and the National Qualifications System (NQS) in Türkiye
Strengthening Vocational Qualifications Authority (VQA) and National Qualifications System (NQS) in Türkiye
Strengthening Vocational Qualifications Authority (VQA) and National Qualifications System (NQS) in Türkiye
Improvement of Occupational Health and Safety Conditions at Workplaces
Supply of IT Equipment and Software and Training Equipment for Improving the Occupational Health and Safety at Workplaces
Development of Regional Laboratories of Occupational Health Safety Center (İSGÜM)
Rehabilitation of the Frequency Control Performance of Turkish Power System for Synchronous Operation with UCTE
Institution Building on Air Quality in the Marmara Region
Capacity Building in the Field of Environment (Direct Grant with the Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe (REC))
Empowerment of Women and Women NGOs in the Least Developed Regions of Türkiye
Modernisation of Turkish Customs Administration -IV
Action Plan on Integrated Border Management-Phase 1
Technical Assistance for Development of the Border Management Roadmap and Execution of a Border Gate Survey
Technical Assistance for the Preparation of Border Surveillance Area Survey in Türkiye
Supply of Border Check and Surveillance Equipment for Prototype Border Areas
Support to Türkiye’s Capacity in Combating Illegal Migration and Establishment of Removal Centers for Illegal Migrants
Provision of Specialized Language Training to Ministry of Interior
Establishment of a Reception, Screening and Accommodation System (Centres) for Asylum Seekers and Refugees
Supervision Services for Construction of Reception and Removal Centers
Establishment of a Reception, Screening and Accommodation
 System (Centres) for asylum seekers and refugees
Strengthening the Turkish National Monitoring Center for Drugs and Drugs Addiction
Development of Work with Juveniles and Victims by the Turkish Probation Service
Training of Military Judges and Prosecutors on Human Rights Issues
Dissemination of Model Prison Practices and Promotion of the Prison Reform in Türkiye (Direct Grant with Council of Europe)
Dissemination of Model Prison Practices and Promotion of the Prison Reform in Türkiye
Support to Further Implementation of Local Administration Reform in Türkiye (Direct Grant with United Nations Development Programme(UNDP))
Technical Assistance for Introduction of Quality Management in the Revenue Administration
Strengthening the Public Financial Management and Control System in Türkiye
Establishment of an Accredited Calibration Laboratory 
Technical Assistance for Establishment of a Market Surveillance Support Laboratory for Personal Protective Equipment 
Establishment of a market surveillance support laboratory for personal protective equipment 
Support to the Strengthening of Quality Infrastructure in Türkiye
Supporting Türkiye for Enhancing Implementation and Enforcement of Industrial Property Rights
Capacity Building of Social Security Institution
Strengthening the Statistical Capacity of Ministry of National Education

Strenghtening the Statictical Capacity of Ministry of Labour and Social Security

Support Activities to Strengthen the European Integration Process
Participation in Union programmes and Agencies
Safer seas: Upgrading of Turkish Coastal Radio
Enhancement of Technical and Operational Capacity of Turkish Coastal Radio 
Reform of the Turkish Railways

Updated: 23/09/2022 / Hit: 4,492