Updated: 10/12/2021

Strenghtening the Statistical Capacity of the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock




Project title

Strenghtening the Statistical Capacity of the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock

Priority area

Agriculture and Rural Development


Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock




17 months (17/12/2010-31/05/2012)

EU contribution (Euro)







Brief description of the project and main objectives

This project contributes to the harmonization with the acquis on statistics, particularly by improving the capacity at selected data providers other than TURKSTAT.


This Project aims to havemproved quality of the statistical data provided by the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock (MFAL).


Ankara, Manisa

Achievements / expected outputs

  • Efficient coordination mechanisms between MFAL and TURKSTAT have been established allowing for the effective implementation of an action plan on the integration/consolidation.
  • MFAL staff empowered to design surveys and generate agricultural data in line with EU standards and
  • requirements.
  • Statistical methodologies and techniques are tested and fully mastered by MFAL staff and other relevant agricultural stakeholders in Konya and Adana provinces.
  • Farm Registry System has been established and an updating procedure is in place. As mentioned in the strategy document prepared for fulfilling the opening benchmark on Agricultural Statistics under Chapter 11, the Farm Registry System will be kept updated by MFAL.
  • The methodology for whole enumeration of olive tree orchards has been conclusively tested and whole enumeration of olive trees has been carried out in Gölmarmara district of Manisa Province.

Updated: 10/12/2021 / Hit: 2,753