Updated: 24/01/2022



     The first period of Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) covering the years between 2007-2013 had being implemented according to the objectives of our country which are the establishment of capacity towards Türkiye’s alignment with the EU acquis and its implementation and the establishment of capacity for the economic and social cohesion.

     Accordingly, the EU funds allocated to Türkiye amounting to 4,7 Billion EURO in total is used by our relevant institutions within the scope of five components as following.



  1. Transition Assistance and Institution Building
  2.  Cross-border Co-operation
  3.  Regional Development
  4. Human Resources Development
  5. Rural Development (IPARD)


 Component-I, capacity building projects towards the alignment and implementation of the EU acquis are funded. Under Component-II, activities aiming at cooperation for economic and social development in the border regions are supported.


    “Environment”, “transport” and “regional competitiveness” operational programmes which are implemented under Component-III, Regional Development, provided financial support for projects about waste water, water supply, integrated solid-waste infrastructure projects, railways infrastructure projects and projects in fields of SMEs, industrial infrastructure, research-development, innovation, information society and tourism respectively. These Operational Programmes were implemented under the responsibility of Ministry of Environment and Urbanization, Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure and Ministry of Industry and Technology.

    The majority of Human Resources Development Operational Programme which is under the Component-IV managed by the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Services consisted of grant programmes and incresaed employment opportunities during the transition period to information society and promoted social inclusion through financial support for the projects in the fields of employment, education, life-long learning and social inclusion.

    Under Component-V, Rural Development Programme was implemented by Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. In this scope, financial support was provided for enterprises, individual producers, cooperatives and producer’s unions which are active in the fields of agriculture, food, fishery and alternative agriculture through grant programmes.




Updated: 24/01/2022 / Hit: 12,582