Updated: 24/01/2024

Customs Union Joint Committee

In accordance with the Association Council Decision No: 1/95 implementing the Customs Union between Türkiye and the EU, Customs Union Joint Committee (CUJC) was established in order to discuss and exchange views on the alignment level of Turkish legislation to the EU legislation and on the problems related to implementation in the areas of direct relevance to the functioning of Customs Union (common commercial policy, competition policy, customs legislation etc.). Customs Union Joint Committee consists of representatives of the parties and takes advisory decisions.

With a view to ensuring the proper functioning of the Customs Union, CUJC carries out exchange of views and information and formulates recommendations to the Association Council. Also, it may decide to establish any subcommittee or working party to assist it in carrying out its duties. For instance, “Technical Legislation Working Group” was established in this context.

According to the Association Council Decision No: 1/95, in order to carry out its duties, CUJC shall meet as a general rule at least once a month. However, in practice, Committee meets once or twice a year. Lastly, 39th CUJC meeting was held on 28-29 November 2023. 

Updated: 24/01/2024 / Hit: 82,436