Updated: 24/01/2022

Improvement of Occupational Health and Safety Conditions at Workplaces




Project title

Improvement of Occupational Health and Safety Conditions at Workplaces

Priority area

Social Policy and Employment


Ministry for Labour and Social Security, General Directorate for Occupational Health and Safety




25 months (14/01/2010-15/02/2012)

EU contribution (Euro)







Brief description of the project and main objectives

The overall objective of the project is to improve the health and safety conditions of workers at work, and to ensure the implementation of the related EU acquis in Türkiye.

The project purpose is to assist the Turkish government to upgrade OHS related recording system and to promote OHS culture among workplaces with specific focus on mining, construction and metal industries.



Achievements / expected outputs

  • Upgraded OHS conditions in construction, mining and metal sectors based on the design and use of OHS Management System models, and by improved record keeping system.
  • Increased capacity among OHS professionals to ensure OHS function and OHS surveillance and diagnosis.
  • Increased awareness and knowledge among social partners, related organizations and OHS professionals on occupational accidents and diseases




Updated: 24/01/2022 / Hit: 3,507