Updated: 25/01/2022

Development of Regional Laboratories of Occupational Health Safety Center (İŞGÜM)




Project title

Development of Regional Laboratories of Occupational Health Safety Center (İŞGÜM)

Priority area

Social Policy and Employment


Occupational Health Safety Center (İŞGÜM)




24 months (01/02/2010-14/02/2012)

EU contribution (Euro)







Brief description of the project and main objectives

The overall objective of the project is to improve the occupational health and safety (OHS) conditions in Türkiye.


The Project purpose is to enable İSGÜM’s regional laboratories to help enterprises especially the SMEs, apply effectively and efficiently the harmonised OHS legislation.



Achievements / expected outputs

  • The staff of the regional laboratories started to carry out the workplace exposure measurements in a standardized way in line with TS EN ISO IEC/17025 and the data being collected is useable in policy making.
  • The number of the working environment and workers’ health surveillance performed by the regional laboratories of İSGÜM increased and the results are usable for policy making.
  • Increase in capacity and quality within İSGÜM to provide services for enterprises.
  • Improvement in the skills and knowledge of İSGÜM staff to comply with international standard techniques and methods in their working practice.
  •  Increase in capacity with İSGÜM to manage quality assurance and accreditation.
  • İSGÜM staff adequately trained to prepare National OHS policies and working plans specific to regions, and to prepare a “Policy Options Paper” for the use of the National OHS Council.
  • (İSGÜM-SME Dialogue) Raised awareness of OHS issues at the workplace, the purposes and function of İSGÜM laboratories is promoted, and employers are triggered to request ISGÜM services

Updated: 25/01/2022 / Hit: 2,876