Updated: 25/01/2022

Support to the Strengthening of Quality Infrastructure in Türkiye




Project title

Support to the Strengthening of Quality Infrastructure in Türkiye

Priority area

Internal Market


Ministry of Economy


Turkish Society for Quality (KalDer)


27 months (03/05/2010-02/08/2012)

EU contribution (Euro)







Brief description of the project and main objectives

The overall objective is to contribute to the removal of technical barriers to trade between Türkiye and the EU in order to ensure the free movement of goods between the two parties

The project purpose is to have a strengthened institutional and infrastructural framework in Türkiye to enable better implementation of the acquis regarding the free movement of goods.



Achievements / expected outputs

  • Increase the efficiency of the market surveillance conducted by the Authorized Bodies
  • Better organisation of the Turkish conformity assessment sector through Association for Conformity Assessment (UDDer) and Turkish Association for Testing and Calibration (TURKLAB)
  • Conformity Assessment Bodies (CABs), manufacturers and public authorities will have better knowledge on EU directives and standards
  • Increase in the understanding of Authorised Bodies with regard to the notification process
  • Increase in the awareness and knowledge among Conformity Assessment Bodies (CABs) concerning accreditation
  • Increase in the interest and understanding among university laboratories towards private sector conformity assessment activities
  • A higher level of awareness among consumers with regard to product safety and market surveillance
  • Better organization of the Turkish metrology sector
  • A higher level of awareness among consumers with regard to standardization
  • To increase the number of the small and medium enterprises (SMEs) participating in the standardization process
  • Increase of knowledge on Türkiye’s Quality Infrastructure
  • Increase in the quality of Turkish laboratory services

Updated: 25/01/2022 / Hit: 2,787