Updated: 01/09/2022

YEAR 2008

Environment and Countryside under IPARD
Technical Assistance for the Public Awareness Campaign and Coordination of Eartagging&Vaccinations Operations
Technical Assistance for Developing a Database for Identification&Registration of Ovine and Caprine Animals
Supply of PPR Vaccines and Eartags for Small Ruminants in Türkiye
Civil Society Development for Active Participation (Direct Grant with CSDC)
Developing Civil Dialogue among NGOs
Empowering Civil Participation at Local Level
Technical Assistance for the Civil Society Dialogue-Parliamentary Exchange and Dialogue
 "Civil Society Facility: EU - Türkiye Intercultural Dialogue" 
EU - Türkiye Intercultural Dialogue (Museums)
EU-Türkiye Intercultural Dialogue: Culture and Arts
İstanbul 2010 European Capital of Culture (ECoC) Grant Scheme Facility
Promoting Gender Equality in Working Life
Technical Assistance for Implementation of REACH Regulation
Improving Emissions Control
Technical Assistance for Improving Emissions Control
IPPC-Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control 
Technical Assistance for IPPC-Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control 
Mining Waste Management 
Technical Assistance for Mining Waste Management 
Supply of Laboratory Equipment, In-Situ Measurement Instruments and Software for Mining Waste Management
Civic Training for Mehmetçik (Direct Grant with UNDP)
Supply of Equipment for Civic Training for Mehmetçik (Conscripts) (Re-launched)
Promoting Services for People with Disabilities (Direct Grant with WHO)
Technical Assistance for Strenghtening Special Education (SSE)
Strengthening Special Education (SSE)
Strengthening Pre-School Education (Direct Grant with UNICEF)
Supply of Equipment for Strengthening Pre-School Education (re-launched)
Strengthening Pre-School Education
Action Plan on Integrated Border Management-Phase 2
Supply of Equipment for the Modernisation of Border-Crossing Points in Pilot or Prototype Locations
Supply of Land and Sea Border Surveillance Equipments in Pilot and prototype Locations in Türkiye
Strengthening the Investigation Capacity of Turkish National Police and Gendarmerie Against Organised Crime 
Training of Border Police
Supervision Services for Construction of Forensic Laboratories 
Strengthening Forensic Capacity of Türkiye
Supply of Equipment for Modernization of Turkish Customs Administration-V
Strengthening the Role of the Supreme Judicial Authorities in the EU Process (Direct Grant with the Council of Europe) 
Strengthening the Court Management System (Phase II of TR0601.04)
Improving the Skills of Forensic Experts 
Technical Assistance for Improving Participatory Strategic Governance at Local Level
Decision Making and Performance Management in Public Finance
Technical Assistance for Decision Making and Performance Management in Public Finance
Decision Making and Performance Management in Public Finance (Re-launched)
Technical Assistance for Strengthening the Blood Supply System
Strengthening the Blood Supply System
Surveillance and Control of Communicable Diseases (Direct Grant with WHO)
Technical Assistance for Strengthening FP7 Project Development Capacity of Turkish Research Area
Strengthening FP7 Project Development Capacity of Turkish Research Area
Improving Data Quality in Public Accounts
Support Activities to Strengthen the European Integration Process
Improving chemical and ionising radiations metrology
Participation to EU Community Programmes and Agencies

Updated: 01/09/2022 / Hit: 3,751