Updated: 19/11/2021

Parliamentary Exchange and Dialogue




Project title

Parliamentary Exchange and Dialogue

Priority area

Democracy and Governance


Grand National Assembly of Türkiye (GNAT)




24 months (31/01/2012-31/01/2014)

EU contribution (Euro)

€ 2,500,000






Brief description of the project and main objectives

The project maximises the role of the GNAT in the process of EU membership negotiations, by promoting the dialogue between parliamentarians as well as political parties represented in the parliaments of the Member States and Türkiye.


The aim of the project is to provide a better knowledge and understanding between Türkiye and the European Union, thus allowing for a better awareness of the opportunities and challenges of Türkiye’s accession to the EU.




Achievements / expected outputs

  • Shared experiences and information directly on common issues faced by EU and Turkish MPs, NGOs and Political Party representatives to raise awareness in both sides.
  • Local civil society dialogue between Türkiye and the EU built through improving contacts and dialogue between local politicians.
  • Strengthened mutual understandings between Türkiye and the EU through improving inter-parliamentary contacts and contacts between political parties represented in their parliaments.
  • Established direct mechanisms among youth and women representatives of political parties in order to share experiences on better structured and well informed political channels for powerful civil society participation in political life.
  • Raised visibility of the activities of GNAT on EU and civil society issues.

Updated: 19/11/2021 / Hit: 2,740