Updated: 14/05/2020

COSME- The introductory meeting of the Social Economic Missions call for proposal was held online

The introductory meeting of the Social Economic Missions call for proposal launched within the scope of COSME Programme in which Türkiye participate, was held online under the chairmanship of Bülent Özcan, Acting Director General of Financial Cooperation and Project Implementation.

In the meeting, the representative of our Directorate underlined that the call aims to establish a network between regional/local authorities and the stakeholders with similar priorities in the field of social economy. Also, it was noted that the call creates space for inter-regional learning and collaboration.

In addition to these, it was stated that the call offers great opportunities with its budget of 1,9 million Euro particularly for municipalities, governorships, district governorships and the potential applicants. 

For further information about the call, please click here.


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Updated: 14/05/2020 / Hit: 7,610