Updated: 16/03/2022

Chapter 18- Statistics

Content of the Chapter

The acquis in the field of statistics requires the existence of a statistical infrastructure based on principles such as impartiality, reliability, transparency, confidentiality of individual data and dissemination of official statistics. National statistical institutes act as reference and anchor points for the methodology, production and dissemination of statistical information. In this respect, national statistical offices are expected to align with the European Statistical System (ESS) which refers to the partnership between Statistical Office of the EU (Eurostat) and the national statistical offices and aims to the production of comparable statitstics at the EU-level, on the subjects listed below:

• Producing comparable statistics for member states and candidate countries in terms of definition and methodology,
• Adopting EU standards related to definition, methodology, classification, publication frequency, etc. 
• Using coherent and comparable statistical data in the negotiation process. 

The acquis covers methodology, classifications and procedures for data collection in various areas such environment, health, economy, transport. No transposition into national legislation is needed as the majority of the acquis takes the form of regulations.

Sectoral statistics are;

• Foreign trade statistics, 

• Agricultural and fishery statistics,

• Employment, distribution of income and social security statistics,

• Tourism, telecommunication, information and communication technologies, 

• Transport,

• Economic and monetary politics,

• Price statistics and purchasing power parities,

• Structural business statistics,

• Energy statistics,

• Regional statistics,

• Health statistics,

• Environment statistics,

• Education and culture statistics,

• Forestry statistics,

• Demographic statistics

Current Stage of the Negotiations on the Chapter
Explanatory and bilateral screening meetings on this Chapter were held on 19-20 June 2006 and 17-18 July 2006 respectively. Screening Report for this Chapter has been adopted on 19 January 2007 and Türkiye has been invited to submit its Position Paper. Türkiye’s Negotiation Position Paper on “Statistics” Chapter was submitted on 22 March 2007 and accession negotiations on this Chapter were opened on 26 June 2007. There is no openin benchmark for this Chapter. On the other hand, two technical closing benchmarks were set. 
Closing Benchmarks
1- Türkiye should submit to the Commission (EUROSTAT) a detailed description on progress made in setting up the farm register, including a timetable and means for its completion. Moreover, Türkiye submits a detailed description of the foreseen methodology and organizational set-up to be used for the collection of statistics on crop, livestock, meat production, milk production, dairy products and agro-monetary statistics as well as livestock, meat production, milk production and dairy statistics, showing substantial progress towards the compliance with the Acquis. (The aforementioned criterion is also the opening benchmark of Chapter 11- Agriculture and Rural Development).
2- Türkiye should submit to the Commission (EUROSTAT) the key national accounts indicators (GDP and GNI and main components) in accordance with European System of National and Regional Accounts in the European Union-1995 (ESA 95) together with a detailed description of the methodology used.
Relevant Subcommittee Meetings
Turkish Statistical Institute :
For information about the EU legislation on statistics:
Screening Process
Screening Report (Pdf- 59 Kb)

Updated: 16/03/2022 / Hit: 62,480