Updated: 17/05/2023

Black Sea Basin CBC Programme Project Preparation Training Held in Zonguldak

The first call for proposals under Interreg NEXT Black Sea Basin Cross-border Cooperation Program was published on 30 March 2023. Within the scope of the call, which will remain open until July 4, infodays and project preparation trainings for potential beneficiaries of the Programme have been organized by our Directorate, which is the National Authority for CBC  programmes, in the Programme area in Türkiye.

In this context, a project preparation training was held in Zonguldak on 16-17 May 2023 with participation of Zonguldak Deputy Governor Mr Turgut SUBAŞI, Zonguldak Bülent Ecevit University Vice Rector Mr. Hakan KUTOĞLU and Head of Cross-border Cooperation Department Ms. Şebnem SÖZER. In the event, participants were informed about such topics as essentials of Black Sea Basin Programmme, key aspects and requirements of the first call, project application package, project submission process, developing transnational project ideas, project intervention logic and logical framework approach.  

Click here for the presentations. 

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Updated: 17/05/2023 / Hit: 2,095