Updated: 14/05/2019

Announcements for COSME call for proposals

COSME Call: Support for the Implementation of the Entrepreneurship Competence Framework  

The call seeks to support a holistic approach to the development of entrepreneurial competence using EntreComp, from education of young people to subsequent support for upskilling and learning for adults to ensure entrepreneurial competences are developed throughout life. The call seeks to encourage innovation and new approaches to entrepreneurship competence development in different learning settings, the involvement of new stakeholders, in particular employers from the private, public and third sector alike, and also to encourage responses to the changing nature of labour market and education and training due to digital technology.

Eligible projects will include the development of education and training focused on entrepreneurial competences, in either formal, informal and non-formal settings, as set out in the framework.

Deadline:   22 August 2019

Please click for more details.

Updated: 14/05/2019 / Hit: 8,935