Updated: 27/07/2020

A New Call under European Solidarity Corps Programme

A New Call “Volunteering Teams in high priority areas” under European Solidarity Corps Programme has been published.


Volunteering Teams in high priority areas are projects supporting voluntary activities carried out in groups of young people from at least two different countries coming together to express solidarity by implementing short-term high-impact interventions that address societal challenges in policy areas defined each year at EU level. For the purpose of this call, applications for funding are expected to address the following policy priorities:

  • Response to environmental and climate challenges (excluding immediate disaster response);
  • Projects building inclusive societies including through bridging the intergenerational and social divide or addressing challenges linked to geographical remoteness;
  • Projects aimed at improving mental health and well-being.


Examples of the valuable work that can be accomplished by volunteering teams include: e.g. catering for species threatened by extinction; organising educational activities in refugee camps, etc.

Deadline: 17 September 2020

The projects are selected and managed at EU level, by the Education, Audiovisual and Cultural Executive Agency. The centralised approach ensures the underlying pan-European dimension of these projects and enables larger projects with more participants and high impact

For further details: https://eacea.ec.europa.eu/sites/european-solidarity-corps/funding/european-solidarity-corps-2020_en

ESC Coordinator in Türkiye Turkish National Agency: www.ua.gov.tr 

Contact: merkeziprojeler@ua.gov.tr  

ESC Programme Guide: https://eacea.ec.europa.eu/sites/eacea-site/files/european-solidarity-corps-guide_2020_en.pdf

For additional information: EACEA-SOLIDARITY-CORPS@ec.europa.eu

For technical problems: EACEA-HELPDESK@ec.europa.eu

Updated: 27/07/2020 / Hit: 7,624