Updated: 02/10/2020

Sivil Düşün Supports

CALL NAME                                   : Sivil Düşün Supports

DEADLINE                                     : January 2020

MAXIMUM BUDGET                     : 10.000 EUR


The European Union Sivil Düşün Program supports small-scale and short-term studies in a fast, flexible and innovative way. Sivil Düşün provides technical support with the same contribution and expertise, as well as providing opportunities for civil society to meet with inspiration and guidance; through collaboration and cooperation creates process by which everyone learns from each other; it opens up space for knowledge and experience sharing; Encourages active participation in policy and decision-making processes by promoting a culture of democracy.

The European Union (EU) Sivil Düşün Program, non-governmental organizations in Türkiye (NGOs) and activists;

  • To carry out more effective rights-oriented studies and to reach more people with these studies;
  • Institutional and financial strengthening for more effective advocacy and monitoring;
  • Türkiye inside and / or the European Union, EU member states and candidate countries, the European Neighbourhood Instrument (ENPI) to create a network in the country and to participate in the increasingly collaborative working;
  • To reach the public by making more effective communication and awareness activities;
  • Supports the work it carries out in order to increase its capacity so that it can reach more people with the support of the public.


Who Can Apply?

Civil society organizations

  • Associations, foundations, civic initiatives, networks and platforms
  • Civil Society units or centers of universities that carry out rights-oriented work
  • Federation, confederation
  • Non-profit cooperatives or businesses
  • Union
  • Professional organization
  • City Council


Individuals working for the development of their rights:

  • He devotes time and energy to rights-oriented work and voluntary activities
  • Voluntarily undertaking responsibility for leading a rights-based work;
  • It includes but is not limited to individuals who have a new rights-oriented initiative or voluntary effort.

When can the application be made?

Sivil Düşün will be open and accepting applications from 30 September 2020 until the beginning of 2022.

There is no set closing date yet for this public support call! When the closing date is determined, it is announced through Sivil Düşün communication channels.

How long should you finish your work?

Once your application has been approved, you must begin your work within four weeks at the latest and complete all your activities within six months at the latest.

You must prepare a study report within three weeks of completing your work, stating what you have achieved and what you have learned.

You should prepare the report using the template included in the Implementation Guide additional documents.

How can you submit your application?

Applications are made online via Sivil Düşün Information System and consists of three parts:

Follow these steps when making your application:

  1. Register to the Sivil Düşün Information System and use this system to track your application and application processes. You can find detailed information about how to use the system in the application guide.
  2. Enter the system using your username and password and fill in the basic information that will help us know the applicant better.
  3. Determine the category to which you will apply according to the results you want to achieve with the work you want support and the effect you want to create. Identify the expenditure items for which you want support for your work and, if any, expert support.

How can I get information?

  • How will you determine the most suitable category for your work?
  • What should you pay attention to when applying?
  • How will you submit your application?
  • How will the conformity check process be carried out?

In order to answer all these questions and more, we organize online information meetings every month. Registrations of information meetings are closed after reaching a certain number of participants. But you don't miss anything! You can watch the meeting videos on our social media pages, check the meeting calendar and leave a record for a date that suits you and join.

Below, you can find the October dating calendar.

October meeting calendar

October 1: First Information Meeting (registrations closed)

8 October: II. Information Meeting

15 October: III. Information Meeting

October 22: IV. Information Meeting

Click for registration.

You can reach the Help Desk for all your questions and information requests.

You can communicate with the Help Desk via the Information System. If you have not yet registered to the Information System, you can send an e-mail to yardimmasasi@sivildusun.eu or on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday between 09:30 and 12:00 on 0538 013 02 48 - 0538 013 02 68 - 0539 857 58 17 - 0539 857 58 20 You can reach by phone on numbered lines. The Help Desk will respond to your questions within three business days at the latest.

Do not forget to follow the website and social media pages of Sivil Düşün to get regular information about the entire program!

Please click to learn more about the programme.

Please click for the application guide.


Updated: 02/10/2020 / Hit: 10,436