Updated: 28/02/2020

EaSI Call for Proposal: Incubators for inclusive and social entrepreneurship

The Employment and Social Innovation Program (EaSI) is a program that aims to support qualified and sustainable employment, provide sufficient social protection, improve working conditions and struggle with social exclusion and poverty.

This call aims at mobilizing existing network(s) of mainstream business incubators to expand their outreach to inclusive and social entrepreneurship. To achieve this, the supported action shall draw from the experience of support organizations and networks already targeting social entrepreneurs and (potential) entrepreneurs from underrepresented groups. Optimally, this will be combined with support for scaling and replication of social enterprise and social innovation business ideas through dissemination of knowledge and understanding of potential market opportunities in other territories. This type of knowledge transfer can be ensured by involving pertinent partners as co-applicants and/or by qualified experts directly involved in the project implementation.

The total budget of is 1.3 million euros. Public or private entities of any type can apply for this call.

The deadline of the call for proposals is 30 April 2020.

You can ask all your questions regarding the call until 20 April 2020 to empl-vp-2019-017@ec.europa.eu


For detailed information on the call for proposals, please click here

For Call for Proposals, please click here

For more information on EaSI Programme, please click here


Updated: 28/02/2020 / Hit: 6,685