Updated: 07/01/2025

*Türkiye and EU Civil Society Dialogue II Project

Türkiye's membership process to the European Union has been conducted on the governmental level with the adaptation of EU Acquis and framework of legal reforms.

In this process, the cooperation and dialogue between Turkish and EU citizens has a complementary role. As a result of the necessity of intercultural dialogue, in 2005 the EU has developed a strategy identifying a number of objectives and priorities designed to strengthen civil society dialogue amongst candidate countries and EU non governmental organizations. The implementation of this strategy named "Civil Society Dialogue" has an equal role with the adaptation of the EU Acquis and the reform implementation process.

 Civil Society Dialogue II


While contributing to the promotion Türkiye within the EU, Civil Society Dialogue (CSD) should also lead to a better understanding of the values and policies of the EU amongst Turkish citizens. Within this framework, voluntary organizations such as associations, foundations, platforms, citizen initiatives, professional organizations, commercial and industrial chambers, cooperatives and unions from target group of the civil society dialogue.

Promotion of the Civil Society Dialogue between the EU and Türkiye Project (CSD I)  run by the Turkish Secretariat General for the European Union (EUSG), has promoted development of dialogue between municipalities, professional organizations, universities and youth in Türkiye and the EU. This program was completed on November 2009 and 119 projects have been awarded with the total amount of 19,5 Million Euro grants.

Türkiye and EU Civil Society Dialogue Project II which is the continuation of the "Promotion of the Civil Society Dialogue Project between EU and Türkiye" has been included into IPA 2007 program. The overall objective of the project is to better knowledge of the Republic of Türkiye in European Union, including Turkish history and culture in order to create better awareness about the opportunities and challenges for future enlargements. Türkiye and EU Civil Society Dialogue Project II has launched in 2011. This programme is carried out by Ministry for EU Affairs with a grant fund of 5,3 Million Euro. The project is designed to improve dialogue amongst organizations working in the area of culture-arts and agriculture-fisheries in EU and Türkiye.

Furthermore, through the Micro Grant Scheme, financial support is provided similar actions amongst small and local NGO's in Türkiye and EU member states. 19 projects from Culture & Arts Scheme and 23 projects from Agriculture & Fisheries Scheme have been awarded to be eligible to receive grants.

For detailed informations: http://www.csdproject.net/

Updated: 07/01/2025 / Hit: 52,454