Updated: 08/08/2017

Support Activities to Strenghten the European Integration Process - SEI

In order to provide support for short-term technical needs of institutions in matter of project preparation and harmonisation to community acquis, the project called "Support Activities to Strenghten the European Integration Process- SEI" has been included to EU Pre-Accession Financial Assistance Programme since 2002. SEI are primarily used for practices of public institutions and foundations that have coherence and application liabilities for the EU regulations.

-Within the scope of SEI, actions related to the projects, EU regulations or IPA management will be able to be supported. Within this content, institutions can bring suggestions to the topics that are outlined below;

-  The requests of evaluation of grant schemes that are responsible for the feasibility and elaboration studies (preparation studies that are required by the Project Cycle Management Methodology) of the projects that are either already being performed or predicted to be performed in the following term,

  • - Improvement of actions that are related to aligning with the EU acquie and implementations and institutional capacity and human resources
  • - Studies that are related to the support of administrative authorities and institutions within the Decentralised Implementation System (DIS) which are in charge of coordination of the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA)

The related SEI Request Form (SEIRS) can be found at the following website. That form, includes some information about the activities that are provided in the scope of SEI. 

The Ministry for EU Affairs will evaluate submitted requests refer to the specified justifications in the form and under current fiscal facilities. Appropriate institutions for financing will be contacted later on.

SEI Support Request Form (SEIRS) - (DOC Format - 74 KB)

Terms of Reference Template (Framework Contract) - (DOC Format - 56 KB)

Updated: 08/08/2017 / Hit: 48,992