Updated: 14/10/2022

Reinforce Effectiveness of National Asylum Procedures in Compliance with International Standards and National Legislation



Project title

Reinforce Effectiveness of National Asylum Procedures in Compliance with International Standards and National Legislation

Priority area

Home Affairs


Ministry of Interior - DGMM





EU contribution (Euro)







Brief description of the project and main objectives

An efficient asylum system, including timely access to registration procedures, was one of the EU's criteria during its bilateral negotiations with Türkiye on visa liberalization. As stated in the 2019 Progress Report, to fulfil the Visa Liberalization Roadmap requirements, DGMM must process a massive accumulation of pending cases. The studies within the scope of this project aim to increase the operational and technical capacity of DGMM and support them in the registration and Refugee Status Determination stages by helping them with tools that will ensure compliance with international principles and national legislation. The proposed intervention will improve the quality of asylum procedures in Türkiye.



Achievements / expected outputs

- Strengthening and maintaining the effectiveness of Refugee Status Determination procedures

- Establishing quality assurance for an effective and sustainable system in Refugee Status Determination procedures by the relevant principles and standards developed

- Taking measures to minimize vulnerability to abuses, including fraud

- Strengthening and maintaining the effectiveness of resettlement procedures


Updated: 14/10/2022 / Hit: 4,969