Updated: 27/09/2022


IPA II Period

Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) II Period covering 2014-2020, continuation of the first period of IPA, will be implemented within the framework of Türkiye’s objectives of improving the capacity of our country for harmonization and implementation of the EU acquis, and building capacities for economic and social cohesion.

European Commission has introduced the sectoral approach in the new period for the effective utilization of funds. Within the framework of this sectoral approach, instead of the components-based structure at the first period of IPA, some priority sectors to be financed and the responsible lead institutions to conduct the sectoral preparations have been identified.

The IPA II Regulation which set the legal basis of the new period on the EU side dated 11 March 2014 and numbered 231/2014 was published on 15 March 2014; the IPA II Rules of Application dated 2 May 2014 and numbered 447/2014 was published on 3 May 2014 in the EU Official Gazette.

The document of this new period indicating the financing priorities of assistance under IPA is the Indicative Strategy Paper for Türkiye (2014-2020), which was adopted by the Commission on 26 August 2014.

The total allocation for Türkiye under IPA II for 7 years amounts to 4.453,9 Billion EURO, as stated in the Country Strategy Paper.

 The priority sectors and the lead beneficiaries as identified for new period as follows:

(Ministry of justice)                               



Fundamental Rights
(Ministry of Foreign Affairs)                                                       

Home Affairs
inistry of Interior)                                              

(Minstry of Transport and Infrasracture)

Environment And Climate Action
(Ministry of Environment and Urbanisation)


(Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources)

Competitiveness and Innovation 
(Ministry of Industry and Technology)


Education Emplayment and Social Policies
(Ministry of  Labour and Social Security)


Civil Society
(Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Directorate for EU Affairs)


Regional and Cross Border Cooperation
(Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Directorate for EU Affairs)


Agriculture and Rural Development
(Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry)






Updated: 27/09/2022 / Hit: 21,172