Updated: 07/02/2023

Internal Control Action Plan

In accordance with the Law of Public Finance Management and Control, No:5018 (Article:55), internal control is the whole of the financial and other controls comprising organization, methodology, procedure and internal audit established by the administration in order to provide that the activities are performed in an effective, economic and efficient way in accordance with the aims, defined policies of the administration and with legislation, the assets and resources are protected, the accounting records are held correctly and completely, the financial information and management information are produced in time and securely.


The standards and procedures related to the financial management and internal control processes shall be defined, developed and harmonized by the Ministry of Finance and those related to the internal audit by the Internal Audit Coordination Board, within the framework of their duties and authorizations. These bodies shall at the same time ensure the coordination of the systems, and provide guidance to public administrations.

In this context, Internal Control Action Plan can be accessed by the link below.


Internal Control Action Plan (Turkish)

Updated: 07/02/2023 / Hit: 27,232