Updated: 29/02/2024

Activity Report

According to the Article 41 of the Law of Public Finance Management and Control, No: 5018, within the framework of accountability, the top managers and authorizing officers to whom appropriations are allocated in the budget shall issue accountability reports each year.

The reports have been prepared by all public organizations since 2006 in accordance with The Regulation Related to the Activity Reports to be Prepared by The Public Administrations of the Ministry of Finance.   

The activity reports, prepared by the Secretariat General for EU Affairs, can be accessed by the links below.

Administration Activity Report -2007 (PDF, 5MB, Turkish) 

Administration Activity Report -2008 (PDF, 2MB, Turkish) 

Administration Activity Report -2009 (PDF, 59MB, Turkish)


Administration Activity Report -2010 

Updated: 29/02/2024 / Hit: 26,344