Updated: 28/09/2022

Increasing Attendance and Enrolment Rates in Secondary Education




Project title

Increasing Attendance and Enrolment Rates in Secondary Education

Priority area



Directorate General of Secondary Education (DG SE) in the Ministry of National Education (MoNE)



EU contribution (Euro)







Brief description of the project and main objectives

The project aims to support efforts to increase attendance and enrolment rates in secondary education through development and implementation of a comprehensive prevention, intervention and compensation model



Achievements / expected outputs

Developing a prevention, intervention and compensation model for strengthening the sense of belonging of the students to school and increasing their motivation as well as improving the communication between the student and the teacher.

Via this method; students under the risk of early school leaving, absence and class repetition will be targeted. The Model will specifically target girls in the provinces where they are under a greater risk of facing such risks.

Also, a Guideline for implementing the Model and a National Strategy Document will be prepared.

The Model will be implemented in 50 pilot schools by targeting the students under the risk of early school leaving.

An Early Warning System will be developed which is expected to enable a systematic monitoring of school attendance of the secondary education students and timely identification of early school leaving for further development of relevant measures.

Families of 1.500 students specifically that of girls, will be visited by the teachers and school principals.

The supply component of the project aims to support efforts to increase attendance and enrolment rates in secondary education through providing basic materials and equipment necessary for arts, music, drama and science activities to the activity classrooms that will be established and/or equipped in pilot schools.

Updated: 28/09/2022 / Hit: 2,701