Updated: 04/11/2024


Technical Assistance and Information Exchange (TAIEX) Mechanism, is an institutional building mechanism coordinated by the European Commission Directorate General for Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement (DG NEAR). TAIEX provides expert support to beneficiary countries in the transposition, implementation and implementation of EU legislation. This largely demand-driven mechanism directs requests for technical assistance and contributes to the supply of the most appropriate expertise for short-term resolution of topics.

What services does TAIEX offer?

TAIEX's main tasks are:

• To provide short-term expertise and consultancy support during the harmonization of the national legislation of the beneficiary countries with the EU legislation and implementation of the harmonized legislation.

• Ensuring the transfer of expertise and experience on the relevant subject by bringing together expert from public institutions responsible for EU legislation in our country with experts from public institutions in EU countries.

• To provide technical assistance and best practice examples to beneficiaries.

Who can benefit from TAIEX?

The central units of public institutions and organizations responsible for the transposition and implementation of EU legislation can benefit from the TAIEX mechanism. Local authorities in our country cannot benefit from the TAIEX mechanism.

Beneficiary countries of the TAIEX mechanism:

• Candidate and potential candidate countries to the EU

• Countries within the scope of the European Neighborhood Policy

• Countries with which the EU has partnership relations

TAIEX Applications of Türkiye

Türkiye was included in the TAIEX budget on 15 March 2002, and as of this date, the coordination of all activities within the scope of the TAIEX mechanism is carried out by the Directorate for European Union Affairs.

TAIEX applications made between 2002-2009 are available in the link below. Applications made since 2010 can be viewed in the database.

TAEIX Applications Made by Public Institutions and Organizations 2002-2009

How to Apply for TAIEX?

The Directorate for European Union Affairs coordinates applications for TAIEX technical support, which is offered in the form of expert missions, study visits and seminars/workshops. Applications have been received and evaluated through a database since 2010. A user account has been created for each beneficiary institution in the TAIEX Database. To use the database and apply, please contact your institution's TAIEX Contact Person. If you do not know the TAIEX contact person, you can send your request by e-mail to taiex@ab.gov.tr to find out.


Updated: 04/11/2024 / Hit: 107,226