Updated: 13/08/2024

Türkiye Investment Platform

What is EFSD+?

The European Union has established the European Fund for Sustainable Development Plus (EFSD+) mechanism during the third period of the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA III). Through this mechanism, it is aimed to provide EU’s support to investment projects of the public sector, municipalities, and the private sector which will be carried out in collaboration with EU-accredited International Financial Institutions (IFI), and encompassing sustainable development goals in partner countries.  

For the IPA III period (2021-2027), a guarantee support of 40 billion Euros will be provided to cover the risks of IFIs in all partner countries of the EU globally. Approximately 67% of this guarantee is allocated to the European Investment Bank.

What is the Türkiye Investment Platform? Who can be the beneficiaries?

Türkiye Investment Platform (TIP) was established by the European Commission on 31 March 2022 for Türkiye to benefit from the guarantees under EFSD+ mechanism. Within the framework of this mechanism, investment projects to be carried out with the IFIs in our country, in collaboration with beneficiary institutions and private sector organizations, are aimed to be supported through credit guarantee or blending (combining credit and grants) financing models.

Beneficiaries of TIP are public institutions, private sector organizations, and municipalities. These institutions and organizations must be implementing projects together with an IFI in the relevant field.

How is the Türkiye Investment Platform coordinated in our country?

The coordination of the Türkiye Investment Platform in our country is regulated in the IPA III Circular numbered 2023/11. TIP processes are evaluated, directed and monitored by the TIP Committee which consists of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Directorate for EU Affairs, the Presidency of Strategy and Budget, and the Ministry of Treasury and Finance.

How the Türkiye Investment Platform works and what is the current situation?

The European Commission launches the calls for TIP mechanism addressing the IFIs for the submission of their investment programs. Call periods are determined by the European Commission and there are no certain time periods for the calls.

The first call for the TIP mechanism was launched by the European Commission for the IFIs, mostly targeting private sector projects and it was closed as of July 2022. In response to this call, the European Investment Bank (EIB), the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the German Development Bank (KfW), and the International Finance Corporation (IFC) from the World Bank Group submitted proposed investment programs (PIPs) involving our country. Within the scope of these comprehensive portfolios, IFIs will collaborate with beneficiary institutions in our country to develop and implement investment projects aligned with common sustainability goals of our country and the EU.

Which Investments does the Türkiye Investment Platform Support?

The European Union’s strategic orientations document categorizes the investment areas under 6 main headings called Investment Windows:

- Connectivity: Energy, Transportation, and Digitalization

- Inclusive and Green Transformation and Employment of SMEs

- Sustainable Agriculture, Conservation of Biodiversity, and Natural Resources

- Sustainable Cities

- Sustainable Finance

- Human Development



Updated: 13/08/2024 / Hit: 6,875