Updated: 04/11/2024

EU Programmes

European Union (EU) programmes, also known as Union programmes, are one of the tools used to implement EU policies. Their aim is to facilitate the achievement of EU policy objectives by promoting cooperation among member states. The conditions for our country’s participation in the Union programmes are outlined in the “Framework Agreement between the European Community and the Republic of Turkey on the general principles for the participation of the Republic of Turkey in Community programmes” signed on February 26, 2002. Accordingly, in order for our country to access the opportunities offered by these programmes, a separate participation agreement is signed for each programme.

Individuals, businesses, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), public institutions, and universities can benefit from EU Programmes through projects prepared in line with general policy and strategic priorities. Since EU Programmes aim to promote international cooperation, applications to these programs generally need to be made in partnership with organizations from different countries.

EU Programmes are implemented in accordance with foundational legislation adopted by the European Parliament and the Council, within the framework of the seven-year general budget referred to as the multi-annual financial framework. The programmes are managed by the relevant directorates-general of the European Commission, executive agencies, and/or national agencies, which issue calls for proposals. The budget for these programmes is provided from the EU's general budget. EU programmes are designed in line with the overall policies and objectives set by the EU. The 2021-2027 EU programmes were developed based on the six priorities outlined by the European Commission for the 2021-2024 period and the European Recovery Plan, introduced following the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020.

Our country is participating in the Horizon Europe Programme, Erasmus+ Programme, European Solidarity Corps (ESC), Digital Europe Programme, EU Civil Protection Mechanism, Single Market Programme (COSME Component), and the Customs Programme for the 2021-2027 period.

With the Presidential Circular No. 2023/11 on "Management of Pre-Accession Funds from the EU and Participation in EU Programmes" published on June 24, 2023, the Board of European Union Programmes and Agencies was established under the chairmanship of the Director for EU Affairs, comprising senior executives of institutions related to the programmes and agencies.

Updated: 04/11/2024 / Hit: 101,180