Updated: 22/08/2024

European Union Agencies

With the "Presidential Circular No. 2019/20 on the Management of Pre-Accession Funds to be provided from the EU and Participation in EU Union Programs" published on October 4, 2019, the participation of our country in the EU agencies is coordinated by our Agency. Agencies are decentralized to EU activities. In other words, they can be considered partially autonomous structures. Agencies basically contribute to the formation of scientific and technical knowledge and contribute to the formation of a dialogue environment by bringing different groups together. Our country is a member of the European Environment Agency and the European Monitoring Center for Drugs and Drug Addiction.

EU Agencies are institutional structures that are structured separately from EU institutions and have legal entities. Each of these institutional structures has different legislation. There are 4 types of agencies. These; decentralized agencies, agencies under the Common Security and Defense Policy, executive agencies, EURATOM agencies and structures, and other structures. Our country can take part in decentralized agency structures through participation agreements signed specifically.

In addition, various institutional structures, joint ventures, or public-private partnerships are established in accordance with the Agreement on the Functioning of the European Union.

European Environment Agency

The European Environment Agency (EEA) was established in 1990 by EU Council Regulation 1210/90. The EEA is designated as Copenhagen/Denmark centered. The EEA is a European Union (EU) agency tasked with providing reliable and unbiased information on the environment. Türkiye became a member of the European Environment Agency (EEA) on 1 May 2003 with the “Agreement on the Participation of the Republic of Türkiye in the European Environment Agency and the European Information and Observation Network” published in the Legal Gazette dated 18.03.2003 and numbered 25052. The EEA has a core mandate in the province.

The task of the European Environment Agency (EEA) is to provide reliable and independent information on the environment. The Agency provides timely, targeted, relevant, and reliable information to policy-making units and the public in participating countries. The European Environmental Information and Observation Network (EIONET) is the EEA's partnership network and is open to countries that participate and cooperate with the Agency. The EEA brings together environmental information from countries through EIONET, providing timely and high-quality data.

The procedures regarding agency membership are carried out by the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization.

Click here to reach the Turkish page of the European Environment Agency.

European Monitoring Center for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA)

The European Monitoring Center for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) was established to produce independent information to help Europe understand and better respond to the nature of drug problems. The Center provides policymakers in participating countries with the data needed to formulate drug legislation and strategies. It also helps experts and practitioners working in this field to identify new research areas by sharing fruitful practices. Our country has been a member of the EMCDDA since 2014.

Activities regarding the membership of the Center are carried out by the Turkish Drugs and Drug Addiction Monitoring Center (TUBİM) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, General Directorate of Security. TUBİM is also on the board of directors of the EMCDDA.

Click here to reach the Center's Turkish Page.

Updated: 22/08/2024 / Hit: 13,454