Updated: 11/12/2017

EU Minister Ömer Çelik Attended A Meeting In London On ‘Islamophobia’

Minister for EU Affairs and Chief Negotiator Ömer Çelik came together with prominent British academics, writers, Muslim and Jewish Community leaders and media representatives at a working luncheon held in London on September 13, 2017.

During the working luncheon the participants exchanged their views on the rising of religious and racial discrimination and endeavored to come up with concrete common action plans on combatting this threat which undermines European Civilization.

Minister for EU Affairs and Chief Negotiator Ömer Çelik came together with prominent British academics, writers, Muslim and Jewish Community leaders and media representatives at a working luncheon held in London on September 13, 2017.

During the working luncheon the participants exchanged their views on the rising of religious and racial discrimination and endeavoured to come up with concrete common action plans on combating this threat which undermines European civilization.

During his speech at the meeting titled “Islamophobia” attended by prominent experts in the UK, as a part of his visits in London, Minister for EU Affairs and Chief Negotiator Ömer Çelik indicated that the Islamophobic and anti-Semitic tendencies had become the current reality of Europe. Minister of EU Affairs Ömer Çelik said “Islamophobia is no longer sufficient as a concept. This has turned into opposition and hostility towards Islam.”

Indicating that the real targets of extreme right movements and Islamophobic and anti-Semitic approaches were European values such as democracy, human rights, equality, freedom and pluralism, Minister of EU Affairs Ömer Çelik said “Islamophobia, anti-Semitism, xenophobia and opposition to the European Union (EU) are different manifestations of the same mentality.”

Minister of EU Affairs Ömer Çelik pointed out that shared common values were being threatened, emphasized that Islamaphobia exacerbated the politics of hate in Europe, manifesting itself as  racism and on occasion, as violence against migrants, refugees and Muslims in particular.

Minister of EU Affairs Ömer Çelik said:

“The threat of the extreme right rising in the West demonstrates an anti-Islamic movement, just like the anti-Semitist movement. Islamophobia as a concept does not adequately express this new wave of hatred. Just as anti-Semitism is a crime against humanity, animosity against Islam is also a crime against humanity and threatens all of us regardless of our religion.”

Noting that animosity against Islam should be central in the forthcoming work instead of Islamophobia, Minister of EU Affairs Ömer Çelik pointed out that the politics of hate in Europe would not be limited to only Muslims and migrants. Minister of EU Affairs Ömer Çelik said: “Politics of hate will re-emerge to recall the pain entrenched in the memory of Europe in World War II. Radical nationalism and xenophobia create questions regarding how the EU will live with the ‘Other’.”

-“Brexit is the success of the extreme right”

Minister of EU Affairs Ömer Çelik, reminding the participants of the extreme right discourse emerging in the UK throughout the campaign for Brexit, said: “While we respect the decision of the UK people on leaving the EU, we see Brexit as the success of the extreme right.”

Indicating that Muslims in Europe were subject to discrimination in social life and verbal and physical attacks due to Islamophobia, Minister of EU Affairs Ömer Çelik stated that the entrenchment in the centre of this negative tendency towards Muslims increased marginalisation and radicalisation and allowed terrorist organisations such as Da’esh to operate more easily. Pointing out that the Da’esh attacks in Europe further aggravated Islamophobia, said that this vicious cycle must be broken.

Minister of EU Affairs Ömer Çelik indicated that the number of meetings to warn European public needed to be increased regarding this matter and said that he welcomed the internal discussions in the UK on the how to address the matter, along with the implementation of best practices.

-There is insufficient cooperation between Türkiye and the EU

Minister for EU Affairs Ömer Çelik stated that he was aware of the fact that Türkiye has its share in the fight against rising religious extremism and hate crimes and he added that Europe was unwilling to cooperate in those areas.

-“Islam and terrorism should not be pronounced together”

Stating that Türkiye, in its fight against terrorism, protected democracy, equality and freedom, which are the common values shared by Europe, Minister for EU Affairs Ömer Çelik emphasized that it was also important to preserve the balance between freedom and security in this area.

Indicating that Türkiye had an understanding of Islam which does not tolerate the ideologies of the organizations such as Al-Quaeda and Da’esh, Minister Ömer Çelik said that Türkiye, as a Muslim, secure and democratic state governed by the rule of law, had much to say about Europe’s fight against extreme movements, and that Türkiye had an notable capacity to carry out actions.

Pointing out the importance of initiatives to prevent the pronunciation of Islam and terrorism together, Minister for EU Affairs Ömer Çelik stated that this would lend great ideological support to Da’esh.

Even though ending Türkiye’s EU accession negotiations are being discussed by some European politicians who lack vision, the fact that Türkiye is giving importance to Europe’s peace and future and taking responsibility by taking an initiative in this direction clearly shows the significance of this meeting one hand, and gives a important message to afore mentioned politicians on the other.

The future of Europe, as it is our common continent, is our common future. As it was clearly demonstrated by the way the migration problem has been tackled, Türkiye will continue to contribute substantially on overcoming the crises that Europe, which we historically, geographically and politically a part, currently faces and that deteriorating European values day by day.

Even though ending Türkiye’s EU accession negotiations are being discussed by some European politicians who lack vision, the fact that Türkiye is giving importance to Europe’s peace and future and taking responsibility by taking an initiative in this direction clearly shows the significance of this meeting one hand, and gives a important message to afore mentioned politicians on the other.

The future of Europe, as it is our common continent, is our common future. As it was clearly demonstrated by the way the migration problem has been tackled, Türkiye will continue to contribute substantially on overcoming the crises that Europe, which we  historically, geographically and politically a part, currently faces and that deteriorating European values day by day.

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Updated: 11/12/2017 / Hit: 8,757