Updated: 22/08/2024




The Employment and Social Innovation Programme will be implemented in the 2014-2020 period to support a high level of quality and sustainable employment; guaranteeing adequate social protection, combating social exclusion and poverty and improving working conditions. 

The EaSI Programme has three axes: PROGRESS, EURES and micro-finance and social innovation. PROGRESS is the EU’s main instrument directly managed by the European Commission to promote policy reforms in employment and social policies. The EURES axis will strengthen EURES, a European job mobility network.Mİcro-finance and social innovation will continue to facilitate access to microfinance for individuals and microenterprises, while adding capacity-building for micro-credit providers and support for social entrepreneurship.

The programme will provide €920  million in total. Indicative allocation of funds for the axes: PROGRESS 61 %, micro-finance and social innovation 21%, and EURES 18 %.

Objectives of the Programme:

- Strengthening ownership of EU objectives and coordination of action at EU and national levels in the areas of employment, social affairs and inclusion,

- Supporting the development of adequate social protection systems and labour market policies by promoting good governance, mutual learning and social innovation,

- Modernising EU legislation and ensure effective application of EU legislation,

- Promoting geographical mobility and boost employment opportunities by developing an open labour market,

- Increasing the availability and accessibility of microfinance for vulnerable groups and micro-enterprises,

- Increasimg access to finance for social enterprises.
Türkiye has been participated to PROGRESS and micro-finance and social innovation axes, since the EURES axis is not open to the candidate countries. Turkish Ministry of Labour and Social Secuirty is the responsible institution for the coordination of the programme in Türkiye.
For detailed information:http://ec.europa.eu/social/easi

Updated: 22/08/2024 / Hit: 99,627