Updated: 05/11/2024

EU Civil Protection Mechanism

During the 2021-2027 period, a significant budget increase was made for the Mechanism, allocating a total budget of €3.3 billion, aimed at disaster prevention and enhancing preparedness levels.

Through the Mechanism, the European Commission plays a key role in coordinating responses to disasters within and beyond Europe. When the impact of an emergency exceeds a country’s response capacity (Level 4, requiring international assistance), the country can request assistance through the Mechanism. Upon such a request, the Emergency Response Coordination Centre (ERCC), the operational center of the Mechanism, mobilizes the needed assistance and experts. The ERCC monitors global events 24/7 and, through direct connections with national civil protection authorities, ensures the rapid delivery of emergency support. Specialized teams and equipment, such as wildfire-fighting aircraft, high-capacity water pumps, search and rescue units, and medical teams, can be deployed promptly for missions both within and outside Europe.

Under the Mechanism, activities such as disaster prevention projects, early warning and analysis, civil protection exercises, gap-filling, preparedness projects, expert exchange programmes, peer review programmes, technical meetings, workshops, training and consultancy, awareness-raising, and dissemination of best practices are both organized and financed.

There are direct grant opportunities available under the programme, outlined in the 2021-2025 Work Programme of the Civil Protection Mechanism under three main headings.

  1. Disaster Resilience Grants (Implemented through calls for proposals)
    1. Pan-European prevention and preparedness projects and Union Civil Protection Mechanism exercises
    2. Technical Assistance for Disaster Risk Management (Track 1)
  2. Capacities
    1. The European Civil Protection Pool (ECPP)
    2. rescEU Transition
    3. rescEU Capacities
    4. Birlik Sivil Koruma Bilgi Ağı (UCP Knowledge Network)
  3. Support for the thematic priorities of the EU Council Presidency

On October 27, 2020, our country decided to continue participation in the EU Civil Protection Mechanism Programme in line with the principle decision of the Board of EU Programmes and Agencies. The national coordinator of the programme is Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency (AFAD). In recent consultations with the European Commission's Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (DG ECHO), it was indicated that our country’s participation fee for the 2021-2027 period would increase. Additionally, it was noted that the Commission had renewed the Participation Agreements with all associated countries participating in the Mechanism in line with changes to the programme structure for the 2021-2027 period. Accordingly, a new participation agreement, agreed upon following consultations with DG ECHO, was signed in Ankara on July 9, 2024.

Following the earthquake disaster in our country on February 6, 2023, the EU Civil Protection Mechanism became the primary source of disaster and emergency response assistance provided by the European Union. The Mechanism was rapidly activated after the earthquake, and a total of €116.2 million in aid was provided to our country through cash assistance and emergency support supplied by member states.

Click here for the EU Civil Protection Mechanism Work Programmes

To access the open calls under the EU Civil Protection Mechanism, visit “Funding and Tenders” portal and programme website.

You can find project results related to the programme at the “Project Results” section on the aforementioned portal and “Projects” section on the programme website.

Updated: 05/11/2024 / Hit: 6,838