Updated: 05/09/2022

YEAR 2011

Technical Assistance for Training Staff on IACS Procedures 
Strengthening Civil Society Development and Civil Society - Public Sector Cooperation in Türkiye (Direct Grant with STGM/TUSEV/YADA)
Developing Civil Dialogue among CSOs-II
Strengthening Civil Society Development and Civil Society - Public Sector Cooperation in Türkiye (Direct Grant with İstanbul Bilgi University/Youth Studies Unit)
Strengthening Civil Society Development and Civil Society - Public Sector Cooperation in Türkiye (Direct Grant with KAGED)
Strengthening Civil Society Development and Civil Society - Public Sector Cooperation in Türkiye (Direct Grant with hCa)
Technical Assistance for Common Cultural Heritage: Preservation and Dialogue between Türkiye and the EU (Phase-I) 
Technical Assistance for Civil Society Dialogue between EU and Türkiye-IV 
Civil Society Dialogue between EU and Türkiye-IV- Education Grant Scheme
Dialogue between Trade Union Organisations in Türkiye and the European Union with a Focus on Young Workers 
Jean Monnet Scholarship Programme (2013-2014 academic year)
Technical Assistance for Jean Monnet Scholarship Programme
Jean Monnet Scholarship Programme (2014-2015 academic year)
Technical Assistance for Strengthening Institutional Capacity of Centre for Labour and Social Security Training and Research (ÇASGEM) 
Technical Assistance for Improving Energy Efficiency in Buildings 
Technical Assistance for Capacity Building in Horizontal Sector for the Implementation of INSPIRE Directive
Technical Assistance for Capacity Building in Horizontal Sector for the Implementation of Environmental Liability Directive
Technical Assistance for Support to Mechanism for Monitoring Türkiyes Greenhouse Gas Emissions 
Technical Assistance for Strengthening the National Nature Protection System for Implementation of Natura 2000 Requirements 
Supply of Equipment for Strengthening the National Nature Protection System for Implementation of Natura 2000 Requirements - relaunch
Technical Assistance for Capacity Building for Prevention of Marine Pollution Caused by Ship-sourced Wastes 
Technical Assistance for Conversion of River Basin Action Plans into River Basin Management Plans 
Technical Assistance for Capacity building on Marine Strategy Framework Directive in Türkiye
TA for Implementation of Export and Import of Dangerous Chemicals Regulation
Technical Assistance for Students Learning about the EU - Common Values, Fundamental Rights and Policies 
Supply of Equipment for Students Learning about the EU - Common Values, Fundamental Rights and Policies 
Improvement of Civilian Oversight in Türkiye - Phase II
Support to Establishment of Ombudsman Institution in Türkiye 
Support to Establishment of Ombudsman Institution in Türkiye 
Protecting Victims of Human Trafficking 
Clearance of Landmines in the Eastern Border Regions of Türkiye 
Supply of Technological Border Surveillance Equipment for the Cleared Regions 
Supply of Equipment for Witness Protection Capacities Phase-II
Supply of Equipment for Strengthening the Forensic Capacity of Türkiye - Relaunch
Technical Assistance for Economic and Social Integration of Internally Displaced Persons in Van Province 
Grant for Economic and Social Integration of Internally Displaced Persons in Van Province 
Technical Assitance for Strengthening of Local Investment Planning Capacity with the Participation of Local Actors 
Participation in Union Programmes and Agencies
Technical Assistance for Upgrading Information and Communication Technologies Services of TurkStat 
Supply of Equipment for Upgrading Information and Communication Technologies Services of TurkStat 
Enhanced Support Activities to Strengthen the European Integration Process-ESEI
Enhanced Support Activities to Strengthen the European Integration Process-ESEI
Support to Türkiye's participation in 7th Framework Programme
Improvement of Maritime Safety Regarding Handling of Dangerous Goods at Ports and Coastal Facilities 

Updated: 05/09/2022 / Hit: 3,918