Updated: 05/09/2022

Continuation of the Jean Monnet Scholarship Programme




Project title

Continuation of the Jean Monnet Scholarship Programme

Priority area

Democracy and Governance


Ministry of EU Affairs




26 months (08/01/2013-08/03/2015)

EU contribution (Euro)







Brief description of the project and main objectives

This project supports Türkiye in its efforts towards accession by developing trained human resources on the EU acquis.


The aim is to ensure participation of civil servants, private sector professionals, NGO representatives, senior and graduate students, and academic and administrative personnel of the universities in the Jean Monnet Scholarship Programme; and assisting the Ministry for EU Affairs in the implementation of this Programme in Türkiye.



Achievements / expected outputs

  • Jean Monnet Scholarship Programme is promoted
  • Related information is provided to all potential candidates (for two academic years).
  • Jean Monnet Scholarship Programme is announced through various means, such as website, written and visual, national and local media (for two academic years)
  • The relevant institutions for the scholars are identified (for two academic years)
  • Ministry for EU Affairs is assisted for the realisation of a transparent and fair selection of scholars (for two academic years).
  • Placement of Scholars.
  • Monitoring of Scholars and Alumni Network


Updated: 05/09/2022 / Hit: 2,491