Updated: 07/05/2021

Consultation meeting held on investment projects in IPA-III Period

A consultation meeting on the investment projects proposed in the third period of the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance covering the years 2021-2027 (IPA-III) was held on 6 May 2021 via videoconference under the chairmanship of the General Director of Financial Cooperation and Project Implementation Bülent Özcan with the participation of all relevant institutions.  At the meeting the new approach of the IPA-III period, which will focus on financing methods in which IPA grants from the EU and loans of international financial institutions are used together in sectors including investment components such as environment, transportation, agriculture and energy was discussed, and evaluations were exchanged on the potential projects within the context of European Fund for Sustainable Development Plus (EFSD+) and blending mechanism.

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Updated: 07/05/2021 / Hit: 5,703