Updated: 26/01/2022

Upgrading the Statistical System of Türkiye Programme Phase III




Project title

Upgrading the Statistical System of Türkiye Programme Phase III

Priority area

Democracy and governance


Turkish Statistical Institute




24 months (15/07/2011-15/07/2013)

EU contribution (Euro)







Brief description of the project and main objectives

The overall objective of this Project is to provide adequate data and analysis for the purposes of facilitating policy decisions towards implementation of the pre-accession strategy and the adoption of the EU Acquis in statistics.


The project purpose is to further improve the compliance with the EU standards in the selected areas of the statistical system of Türkiye and to ensure the efficient coordination by the TurkStat.




Achievements / expected outputs

  • Improved effectiveness of ongoing Business Register (BR) studies aiming to set-up a national BR System that fully complies with the EU norms.


  • Improvement of Social Statistics by improving the quality of cross-sectional and longitudinal and regionally disaggregated data through producing income distribution, poverty, social exclusion and other socio-economic indicators; increasing the quality of social protection data; improving the quality of death statistics and data on health accounts, population projections, international migration statistics and addressing the quality issues of Turkish Labour Force Survey for remedial action, all in line with the requirements proposed by the EuroStat.
  • Improvement of Environmental Statistics and Accounts by increasing the capacity of statistical capacity of statistical units (municipalities, industrial establishments, etc..) providing environmental data.
  • Improvement of Macro Economic Statistics by introducing improvements to the Excessive Deficit Procedure (EDP) notification tables, non-financial accounts for institutional sectors, outward foreign affiliates statistics, annual supply and use tables and input-output tables, quarterly national accounts,
  • regional accounts estimation and also developing the household price index for households, central bank and government.
  • Improvement of Business Statistics by improving the Structural Business Statistics and harmonizing Short Term Statistics with the EU.
  • Increased Capacity Building and Institutional Strengthening of TurkStat by extending the efficient and effective usage of Management and Information System in the management of TurkStat; enhancing the knowledge of TurkStat and other main data provider’s staff on the specific areas of the Statistical Acquis Communautaire; providing technical training to TurkStat staff and strengthening the capacity of project management and compliance monitoring in TurkStat.

Updated: 26/01/2022 / Hit: 2,489