Updated: 16/11/2022

Türkiye’s cooperation with EU is enhanced within the framework of 2021-2027 EU Programmes Customs Programme Association Agreement was signed on 15 November 2022

Association agreement enabling Türkiye's participation in the Customs Programme was signed on November 15, 2022 by Ambassador Faruk Kaymakcı, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Director for EU Affairs of Türkiye, and Gerassimos Thomas Director General for Taxation and Customs Union of the European Commission (TG TAXUD).

The Customs Programme supports the development and operation of the central IT systems for customs in the Union, and associated countries and the essential cooperation between customs authorities across the participating countries. 

The programme helps customs administrations in EU Member States and associated countries  to deal with increasing trade flows and emerging trends and technologies, such as e-commerce and blockchain.

It also provides for better response to security threats and contributes to the financial and economic interests of the EU, its Members States and associate countries.

For the period 2021-2027, the programme has a budget of €950 million.

In Türkiye the program is implemented by the Ministry of Trade: https://ticaret.gov.tr/

For further information please visit: https://taxation-customs.ec.europa.eu/eu-funding-customs-and-tax/customs-programme_en


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Updated: 16/11/2022 / Hit: 3,290