Updated: 16/11/2021

Training of Military Judges And Prosecutors On Human Rights Issues




Project title

Training of Military  Judges And Prosecutors On Human Rights Issues

Priority area

Rule of Law and Fundamental Rights


Turkish Military Judiciary


Turkish Ministry of Defence

Turkish Armed Forces


2 Years (3/11/2010-3/11/2012)

EU contribution (Euro)







Brief description of the project and main objectives

The framework of this project is to support the interpretation and application of legal provisions related to human rights and fundamental freedoms in line with European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) and its related case law.


To improve the knowledge and implementation capacity of military judges and prosecutors and legal counsellors at the MoND on the ECHR, and the case law of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) by the end of 2012.


All military courts, Turkish National Forces, Turkish Ministry of Defence

Achievements / expected outputs

Development of future training capacities of military judges and prosecutors, legal counsellors and other TAF personnel.


Easy access of all military judges, prosecutors and legal counsellors to the translations of European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), related agreements and judgments of ECtHR. 


Military judges, prosecutors and legal counsellors increase their awareness on the identified problematic areas in the military judiciary.

Updated: 16/11/2021 / Hit: 2,629