Updated: 01/10/2020

The College of Europe Postgraduate Scholarship Programme applications started for the Academic year 2021-2022

With the support of private sector and NGO’s the Ministry of Foreign Affairs EU Directorate started the applications for the College of Europe Postgraduate Scholarship Programme on 1 October 2020. The deadline for the applications is 13 January 2021. 

For the questions related to the whole process can be e-mailed to avrupakoleji@ab.gov.tr.

If you want to get more detailed information about the College of Europe you can visit www.coleurope.eu

You can download the necessary documents about the scholarship program below:

Information about the scholarship program for the Academic year 2021-2022 (In Turkish)

Application form for the Academic year 2021-2022 (Word Format) (In Turkish) 



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Updated: 01/10/2020 / Hit: 15,422