Updated: 20/01/2022

Support to the Local Human Rights Boards and Women’s Rights Awareness




Project title

Support to the Local Human Rights Boards and Women’s Rights Awareness

Priority area

Political Criteria (Human Rights)


Prime Ministry Human Rights Presidency


Human Rights Boards at the provinces and sub-provinces


24 months (19/09/2014-19/09/2016)

EU contribution (Euro)







Brief description of the project and main objectives

The project’s main aim is the full compliance of human rights actually enjoyed by Turkish citizens and the civil society as a whole with principles and practices in accordance with the highest standards indicated by the prominent international instruments that Türkiye is a party to.

The project more specifically aims to:

  • Improve human rights complaints taking mechanism
  • Raise awareness among the society, especially on human rights in general and to promote women’s participation to social, economic and cultural life and to implement effectively the necessary measures to prevent domestic violence and honour killings.



Achievements / expected outputs

  • The organizational structure and coordination between the National Human Rights Institution and the Local Human Rights Boards (LHRB) improved.
  • The standards of human rights complaints taking procedures established.
  • Capacity of the LHRB in dealing with the human rights violations increased.
  • The implementation of the human rights standards monitored.
  • The quality of the reports sent by the LHRBs increased.
  • Women are encouraged to become members to the LHRBs.
  • Awareness and the capacity increased among the LHRBs on women’s rights and on how to deal with the rights’ violations.
  • Awareness on women’s rights raised among the people at the provinces and sub-provinces.

Updated: 20/01/2022 / Hit: 2,558