Updated: 25/11/2022

Promotion Event for the Interreg NEXT Cross-border Cooperation in Black Sea Basin Programme held in İstanbul

Promotion event for the 2021-2027 period of the Interreg NEXT Cross-border Cooperation Programmes in Black Sea Basin, in which the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Directorate for EU Affairs is responsible for the administration and implementation in our country as the National Authority, was held in İstanbul on 23rd of November, 2022.

The event was organized by support of TESIM, Managing Authority, and Joint Technical Secretariat  At the event, General Director of Financial Cooperation and Project Implementation Mr. Bülent Özcan and the representatives from the Managing Authority delivered opening speeches.

Following the the presentation on the “CBC Programmes in Turkey ” the participants were informed regarding the 2021-2027 programme priorities and  application details. Then the evcent continued with a forum, where  TUBİTAK-MAM insitute, beneficiary from the 2014-2020 BSB programme, shared their project preparation and implementation experiences, enlightening the future projects to be implemented.

Representatives from potential beneficiaries including local and regional administrations, universities, educational institutions, professional chambers and associations, and NGO’s have participated in the promotional event.

You can visit https://cbc.ab.gov.tr/ to follow the calls for proposals for 2021-2027 period.

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Updated: 25/11/2022 / Hit: 2,465