Updated: 05/03/2024

Istanbul University Faculty of Political Sciences Students visited Directorate for European Union Affairs

Murat Şen, Deputy Director General for Relations with the EU, met with the students of Istanbul University Faculty of Political Sciences at the Directorate for EU Affairs on March 4, 2024.

At the meeting, while Deputy DG Şen touched upon the importance of Turkish youth in Türkiye’s EU accession process and answered their questions; Aysel Çamur, Head of Accession Policy Department gave information about the history of Türkiye-EU relations, and Zerrin Keskin, Head of Communication Department informed students on Türkiye’s EU Communication Strategy and the career opportunities at Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Directorate for EU Affairs.

In the second part of the meeting, EU Affairs Experts Petek Karatekelioğlu and Suna Yüksel-Poyraz gave important information to the students about the EU Funding Programs and the Jean Monnet Scholarship Program.

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Updated: 05/03/2024 / Hit: 3,211