Updated: 15/12/2022

IPA Fundamental Rights Sub-Field



In line with the sectoral approach adopted by the European Commission for IPA II covering 2014-2020 period, Rule of Law and Fundamental Rights is defined as one of the 9 sectors.

The Sector of Rule of Law and Fundamental Rights consists of two sub-sectors, namely “Judiciary and Fundamental Rights” and “Home Affairs”. Judiciary and Fundamental Rights sub-sector was divided into two sub-fields: (i) judiciary and (ii) fundamental rights.

The Directorate for EU Affairs is defined as Lead Institution in the Presidential Circular No. 2019/20 on the Management of the EU Pre-Accession Funds and the Participation in the Union Programmes. In this context, within the Directorate for EU Affairs, the Department for Political Affairs is responsible for programming and monitoring of the IPA-II fundamental Rights Sub-Field.

Three priorities of the IPA II Fundamental Rights Sub-Field are as follows:

Priority I: Strengthening the institutional capacity in the field of fundamental rights

Priority II: Strengthening the coordination between the institutions and stakeholders in the field of fundamental rights

Priority III: Strengthening the protection of socially vulnerable groups



Updated: 15/12/2022 / Hit: 12,080