Updated: 22/05/2020

23. Judiciary and Fundamental Rights

Scope of the Chapter:

EU policies in the area of judiciary and fundamental rights aim to maintain and further develop the Union as an area of freedom, security and justice. In this regard, the establishment of an independent and efficient judiciary is of paramount importance andimpartiality, integrity and a high standard of adjudication by the courts are essential for safeguarding the rule of law. Legal guarantees for fair trial procedures  and effective fight against corruption are among the conditions for membership. At the end of the accession negotiations candidate countries must ensure respect for fundamental rights and freedoms as guaranteed by the acquis and by the Fundamental Rights Charter.

Screening meetings

Explanatory Screening (7-8 September 2006)

Annotated Screening (12-13 October 2006)

Updated: 22/05/2020 / Hit: 75,526