Updated: 16/11/2021

Institution Building on Air Quality in the Marmara Region




Project title

Institution Building on Air Quality in the Marmara Region

Priority area

Environment and Climate Action



Environmental Reference Laboratory


Ministry of Environment and Urbanization, the Ministry of Health ,  the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye (TÜBITAK)


47 Months (21/10/2009-30/09/2013)

EU contribution (Euro)







Brief description of the project and main objectives

The Project is to improve the environmental conditions in Türkiye by implementation and enforcement of the EU environmental acquis in the frame of ambient air quality.

Framework conditions are established for efficient, effective and transparent implementation of the AQFD requirements in the Marmara Region which will serve as a model for Türkiye to implement those requirements



The 11 provinces of the Marmara region: Balıkesir, Bilecik, Bursa, Çanakkale,Edirne, İstanbul, Kırklareli, Kocaeli, Sakarya, Tekirdağ, and Yalova

Achievements / expected outputs

For the implementation of AQFD and daughter directives in a regional level, Regional Ambient Air Quality Monitoring System were established and operated.

For the implementation of the AQFD and daughters directives requirements, the development of the institutional and technical capacity was ensured.

Awareness of priority groups and decision makers were raised.


Updated: 16/11/2021 / Hit: 2,884