Updated: 08/05/2023

European Commission Working Document on 2021-2027 Cohesion Policy was Published

European Commission published the Working Document titled “Cohesion 2021-2027: forging an ever stronger Union report on the outcome of 2021-2027 cohesion policy programming on 2 May 2023.

The Working Document states that the Cohesion Policy will unleash a total volume of investments of 545 billion Euros, of which 378 billion Euros are funded by the EU, increase the EU GDP by 0.5% on average until the end of the implementation period, and support the creation of 1.3 million jobs. It is foreseen these investments will return 2.8 Euros to the European economy for every 1 Euro spent in the long term.

The Cohesion Policy is the most important investment tool for the EU to achieve its "smart", "green" and "digital" European targets in the face of rapidly changing socio-economic challenges. 

Social, economic and territorial cohesion is at the center of European integration; the increasing disparities in regional development due to crises and geopolitical reasons pose a significant risk for the Union.

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Updated: 08/05/2023 / Hit: 5,615