Updated: 26/01/2024

EU Meetings with Youth

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs Directorate for EU Affairs has launched the webinar series of "EU Meetings with Youth" since November 2020 within the scope of the European Union Communication Strategy (EUCS). As of the autumn of 2021, the meetings that bring the young people together also physically, are organized in cooperation with our universities under the name of “Our EU Process and Opportunities for Youth”.

Through the meetings held with the participation of our Deputy Minister, it is aimed that the university students all around the country are contacted with the purpose of informing on ”the EU education and scholarship programs & project opportunities”, “ possible carrier options at Ministry of Foreign Affairs and our Directorate” and  “the recent developments in Türkiye – EU Relations”.

As well as giving information on the recent developments in Türkiye’s EU membership process; the Jean Monnet Scholarship Program and the College of Europe Scholarship Program, which contribute to the training of qualified personnel who have a good grasp of the EU issues needed by our country during our EU candidacy process; Erasmus+, the EU's grant program in the fields of education, youth and sports, and the European Solidarity Corps (ESC), which allows individuals to participate in volunteering, solidarity and networking activities in projects that benefit society, are introduced to young people during this webinar series.

For the available episodes, see the play list.

Please do not forget to subscribe to our Youtube channel in order to follow EU Meetings with Youth series and the developments concerning the EU process.


Updated: 26/01/2024 / Hit: 6,533