Updated: 24/01/2022

Establishment of a Market Surveillance System Support Laboratory for Personal Protective Equipment




Project title

Establishment of a Market Surveillance System Support Laboratory for Personal Protective Equipment

Priority area

Internal Market


General Directorate of Occupational Health and Safety-İSGÜM




24 months (30/12/2010-21/12/2012)

EU contribution (Euro)







Brief description of the project and main objectives

The overall objective of the project is to contribute to the implementation of the EU acquis area of internal market, specifically focusing on the effective functioning of support laboratories.

The project purpose is strengthening of the national system of market surveillance laboratories in the PPE SECTOR, ensuring that they are equipped and capable autonomously to carry out the relevant testing services related to market surveillance and thus providing the compliant PPE in the market with the PPE Directive.




Achievements / expected outputs

  • Fully operational PPE testing laboratory at ISGUM Ankara with trained human resource on the usage of the testing equipment
  • Trained human resource of fully operational PPE testing laboratory at İSGÜM Ankara on the test methods of PPE in accordance with European standards.
  • Fully operational PPE test laboratories in Ankara became ready to be accredited in accordance with the TS EN ISO IEC / 17025.

Updated: 24/01/2022 / Hit: 2,743