Updated: 08/03/2022

Enhancing Adaptation Action in Türkiye



Project title

Enhancing Adaptation Action in Türkiye

Priority area 

Environmental Management  for Sustainable Development / Environment and Climate Action


 Ministry of Environment and Urbanization


United Nations Development Program (UNDP)

Duration (months): start and end dates

48 months

October 2019- October 2023

EU contribution (Euro)







Brief description of the project and main objectives


To build societal resilience by strengthening climate change adaptation, particularly at the sector and urban level



Ankara and 4 pilot metropolitan cities to be selected within the scope of project

Achieved results / expected outputs



Conducting comprehensive climate change impact and vulnerability assessment for priority sectors        

Revision of the National Climate Change Adaptation Strategy and Action Plan (NASAP)       

Establishing a monitoring, evaluation, reporting and notification system for NASAP      

Developing a financing strategy for NASAP      

Preparation of adaptation planning guidelines for priority sectors        

Conducting capacity and needs analysis regarding policies and stakeholders in order to strengthen adaptation to climate change and carrying out the necessary capacity building and cooperation activities in this direction        

 Establishing a National Adaptation Platform        

Preparation of “Urban Adaptation Strategy and Action Plans” for the four metropolitan cities to be selected within the scope of the project  and establishing monitoring and evaluation systems and developing financing strategies regarding implementation.

Updated: 08/03/2022 / Hit: 8,416