Updated: 10/02/2022

Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights Education




Project title

Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights Education

Priority area

Rule of Law and Fundamental Rights


Ministry of National Education




48 months (01/06/2011-31/05/2015)

EU contribution (Euro)







Brief description of the project and main objectives

This project fosters a more democratic society in Türkiye by strengthening democratic citizenship and human rights education (EDC/HRE) that corresponds with European core values.


The institutional capacity of MoNE on EDC/HRE is increased through developing and revising regulations and curricula on EDC/HRE; producing and disseminating educational materials and increasing capacity and awareness on EDC/HRE of pre-school, primary and secondary school communities (teachers, puppils, students, non-teaching staff,parents, community leaders)




Achievements / expected outputs

  • Education legislation (regulations, by-laws and directives) and the existing curricula are analysed and strengthened in the light of EDC/HRE and the curriculum of the existing elective courses and course book on EDC/HRE are redesigned at secondary level
  • Awareness raising and educational materials on EDC/HRE are developed, revised and introduced in pilot schools.
  • Basic skills and knowledge of Ministry of National Education personnel and concerned groups are developed on EDC/HRE through awareness raising activities and trainings
  • Democratic School Culture is promoted and Democratic School Culture Competence Framework and Manual are prepared


Updated: 10/02/2022 / Hit: 2,791