Updated: 10/02/2022

Consolidating Ethics in the Public Sector




Project title

Consolidating Ethics in the Public Sector

Priority area

Democracy and Governance


Ethics Commissions




27 months (30/03/2012-30/06/2014)

EU contribution (Euro)







Brief description of the project and main objectives

This project contributes to the prevention of corruption in Türkiye in accordance with the European and other international standards.


The aim of the Project is to ensure the effective dissemination and implementation of the Code of Ethics across the public sector and support the work of the Council of Ethics for Public Service and Ministries Ethics Commissions in developing ethical frameworks within ministries.



Achievements / expected outputs

  • Enhanced capacities of the Council of Ethics for Public Service to promote awareness of the Regulation and support the integration of ethics’ principles and requirements of the Code of Ethics in the daily work of the Turkish administration.


  • Enhanced capacities of Ministries to promote the integration of ethics principles and requirements of the Code of Ethics in the daily work of the Turkish administration.


  • Embedded knowledge on ethics’ principles and the Regulation in the Turkish administration and increased public and institutional awareness on these issues.

Updated: 10/02/2022 / Hit: 2,569