Updated: 09/07/2024

Agreement Signed to Ensure Türkiye's Continued Participation in the EU Civil Protection Mechanism

Our Cooperation with the EU Under the Civil Protection Area Continues to Strengthen During the 2021-2027 Period

The agreement ensuring Türkiye’s continued participation in the EU Civil Protection Mechanism, which Türkiye has been a part of since 2016, was signed on behalf of the Republic of Türkiye by Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Director for EU Affairs, Ambassador Mehmet Kemal Bozay, and on behalf of the European Union by European Commissioner for Crisis Management, Janez Lenarcic, at a ceremony held in Ankara on July 9, 2024. Head of the Disaster and Emergency Management Authority (AFAD), Governor Okay Memiş and Deputy Minister of Interior attended the ceremony.

In his assessment of Türkiye’s participation in the Union Civil Protection Mechanism for the 2021-2027 period, Ambassador Bozay highlighted the long-standing partnership between the EU and Türkiye in the field of civil protection. Ambassador Bozay emphasized that the importance of the Mechanism for Türkiye became more evident after the February 6th earthquakes, noting that significant support was received under the Mechanism post-earthquake, and that cooperation with the EU under the Mechanism will continue in the coming years.

With this important agreement, it is aimed to strengthen the ongoing cooperation between our country and the EU in the field of civil protection, enhance our capacity for disaster prevention, preparedness, and response, and share and develop Türkiye's knowledge and expertise in civil protection with the EU and other countries participating in the Mechanism.

€ 3.3 Billion Support from the EU Civil Protection Mechanism

The Mechanism, coordinated by AFAD in Turkey, provides significant grant support through calls for proposals.

Financing opportunities are provided through annual calls for proposals that help civil protection authorities and partners develop actions for disaster risk management. Within the scope of the programme, grants are provided for single-country or multi-country projects.

Authorities responsible for disaster management, non-governmental organizations, universities, public institutions that have a role within the scope of the disaster management plan, and private organizations that may be interested in disaster management can apply to the calls for proposals.

The programme budget for the 2021-2027 period is €3.3 billion.

For more information about the Programme:


Calls for project proposals within the scope of the programme can be accessed on the European Commission Funding and Tenders Portal:




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Updated: 09/07/2024 / Hit: 3,901